15 Common Dream About Poop And Their Meanings

The Sleep Diary

2022-06-04 | 07:42h
2024-02-24 | 14:29h
15 Common Dream About Poop And Their Meanings

If you’ve been having dreams about poop, you’re not alone. A lot of people have these kinds of dreams and they can mean a variety of different things. Dreams about poop can be really weird and disturbing, but what do they mean?

Dreams about poop can be pretty gross, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have something to tell us about our waking lives. In fact, these dreams often contain powerful messages for you.

In this article, we will explore the various meanings of dreams about poop, and how you can use this information to improve your waking life. We’ll also provide tips on how to handle these dreams.

Table of Contents


What Does It Mean When You Dream About Poop?

Dreams about poop are actually pretty common. And while there are a lot of different interpretations of what dreaming about feces could mean, there are a few themes that seem to pop up most often.

Letting Go Of Negative Emotions Or Experiences

One common interpretation is that dreaming about poop is a way of your subconscious mind trying to process and let go of negative emotions or experiences. This could be anything from residual anger or sadness from a past fight with a friend to unresolved trauma from a childhood experience.

Repressed Anger Or Frustration

In some cases, it may even represent repressed anger or frustration that you’re currently holding onto in your waking life. If you’re someone who tends to bottle up your emotions, this dream may be a sign that it’s time to let them out.

Trying To Figure Out Something

Another interpretation is that dreaming about poop is your brain’s way of trying to make sense of something that doesn’t make sense. This could be anything from a confusing situation at work to feeling out of control in your personal life. In some cases, it may even be a way of processing information that you’re not ready to deal with yet.

Making A Major Life Change

Some people also interpret dreaming about poop as a sign that you’re about to make a major change in your life. This could be anything from starting a new job to moving to a new city. In some cases, it may even be a sign that you’re about to end a relationship.

Wealth And Abundance

One popular interpretation is that dreaming of poop means money. This may seem like a strange association, but many believe that it is based on the idea of “shitting money.”

In other words, when you dream of poop, it symbolizes wealth and abundance. So if you’ve been having some naughty dreams lately, don’t be alarmed – it just means your bank account is about to get a little bit fuller.


Is Dreaming About Poop Good Luck?

There’s no question that dreams about poop can be pretty strange. But what does it mean when you dream about this bodily function? Is it good luck or bad luck?

Interestingly, there is no definitive answer. Different cultures have different interpretations of dreaming about poop. In some cultures, it is considered good luck, while in others it is seen as a sign of bad things to come.

So, what does dreaming about poop mean for you? Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what your dreams mean. If you interpret dreaming about poop as good luck, then that’s what it will be. However, if you see it as a sign of something bad happening, then that’s what it will mean for you. Either way, there is no right or wrong answer – it all depends on your own personal interpretation.


15 Common Dreams About Poop And Their Meanings

Dream About Poop In The Toilet

Dreams about poop in toilets can be interpreted in a number of ways. First, it is important to consider the context of the dream. For example, if you are someone who generally has a tidy bathroom, the dream may represent anxiety or feelings of disgust.

But if you are someone who is struggling with bowel movements, the dream may be a manifestation of that struggle. In some cases, dreams about poop can also be symbolic of alleviating stress or anxiety. For example, if you have been holding in your feelings for a long time, dreaming about finally letting go and relieving yourself may represent the release of those pent-up emotions.

No matter what the interpretation, dreams about poop in toilets are generally not considered to be positive experiences.

Dream About Poop On The Floor

Dreams about poop on the floor symbolize feelings of anxiety or insecurity. This could be based on recent events in your life that have left you feeling unsettled or uncertain.

The dream may also be a reflection of actual physical sensations of discomfort or unease. If you have been feeling unwell recently, this may be your body’s way of alerting you to the fact.

But the dream may also be a way for your subconscious to process and release negative emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness. In this case, the dream may serve as a cathartic release that helps you to feel better in waking life.

Dream About Poop Everywhere

There are a number of possible interpretations for dreaming about poop all over. One possibility is that it symbolizes some kind of emotional “cleanup” that needs to happen in your life. Perhaps there are some issues or feelings that you need to process and let go of.

But it could also be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed or bogged down by something in your life. The dream may be prompting you to take a step back and assess the situation so that you can make some changes and lighten your load.

Lastly, it is also possible that the dream is simply a reflection of your current physical state – if you are feeling constipated or backed up, this may be what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Whatever the case may be, pay attention to the other symbols and details in the dream for clues about its specific meaning for you.

Dream About Poop On Hands

If the poop is on your hands, this could indicate that you are taking on too much responsibility and need to let go of some things. It could also mean that you have done something you are ashamed of and are trying to wash away the evidence.

As with all dreams, however, it is important to consider your own personal associations and emotions in order to interpret the dream accurately.

Dream About Poop In My Mouth

Dreaming about poop in your mouth? In this case, it could represent some form of verbal or creative expression that you are holding back. Dreams about poop can be uncomfortable, but they are often symbolic of positive change. If you find yourself dealing with unwanted baggage, this dream may be prompting you to let it go.

Dream Of Pooping In Public Meaning

Dreams about pooping in public usually don’t have much to do with actual feces. Rather, they often symbolize feeling embarrassed, exposed, or vulnerable in some way.

Dreams about pooping in public may also be a sign that you’re holding something in (literally or figuratively) that needs to come out. If you’re worried about an upcoming presentation at work, for example, you might have a dream about pooping your pants in front of your colleagues.

Alternatively, this type of dream could be a gut reaction to something (literally or figuratively) that’s making you feel uncomfortable. If you’re having dreams about pooping in public on a regular basis, it might be worth exploring what’s causing that discomfort in your waking life.

Dream About Poop On Face

To dream that someone else has poop on their face may symbolize your anger or disgust towards that person. But this dream may also be a way for you to express your own self-loathing.

To dream that you are eating poop may suggest that you are wallowing in your own negativity. This dream may also represent something nourishing or beneficial that you are taking in.

Dreams about poop can be interpreted in a number of ways. To dream that you are poop may represent feelings of disgust or revulsion. Or this dream may symbolize some aspect of yourself that you find repulsive or filthy. Or maybe dreaming about poop may suggest that you need to let go of something that is dirty or negative in your life.

To dream that someone else has poop on their face may symbolize your anger or disgust towards that person. Then again, this dream may be an expression of your own self-hatred.

Dream About Pooping Pants

Dreams about soiling oneself with feces are not uncommon. They may represent feelings of shame, fear, or powerlessness. Conversely, the dream may be a metaphor for some kind of emotional “dumping” or “letting go.”

If the dream is particularly upsetting or disturbing, it may be a sign that you need to address some unresolved issues in your waking life. However, it is also important to remember that dreams are often symbolic and should not be taken literally.

With this in mind, try to consider what the dream might be saying about your current situation before taking any drastic measures. Ultimately, only you can decide what your dream means.

Dreaming About Poop Baby

Dreams about poop babies are surprisingly common. In fact, almost everyone has had a dream about a baby made of feces at some point in their lives. So what does it mean when you have this type of dream?

There are a few different interpretations of dreaming about a poop baby. One popular interpretation is that the dream symbolizes new beginnings. This is because babies are often seen as innocent and pure beings, and they represent hope and potential.

Poop, on the other hand, is typically associated with filth and dirtiness. Therefore, dreaming about a baby made of feces could symbolize your feelings about starting something new that is filled with hope and potential, but also feels a bit dirty or unclean.

Another interpretation of dreaming about a poop baby is that it represents your fear of taking on new responsibilities. This is because having a baby is a huge responsibility and one that can often be overwhelming.

If you are currently facing some major life changes or decisions, then it makes sense that you would feel some anxiety about taking on such a big responsibility. The dream may be telling you to take things slowly and be mindful of the commitments you are making.

Whatever the interpretation, dreams about poop babies are usually not literal. They are usually symbolic of something else going on in your life.

Dreaming About Poop With Bugs

If you dream about feces that is infested with bugs, it may symbolize some kind of emotional or psychological “infection” that you are dealing with. This dream may be a way for your subconscious to highlight some negative feelings or thoughts that you have been repressing.

Alternatively, this dream may also be a warning about someone or something in your life that is “bugging” you. If there is someone or something that is causing you anxiety or stress, the dream may be telling you to take action and address the issue.

Dream Of Stepping On Poop

Stepping on poop in a dream may symbolize subconscious feelings of low self-esteem or worthlessness. But the dream could be a metaphor for some aspect of your life that is “unclean” or feels out of your control.

Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed by a challenging situation at work or home. The poop could also represent some negative trait or habit that you have been trying to change. The dream may be prompting you to take action and make some necessary changes in your life.

Dream Of Bird Poop

Dreams about bird poop can be interpreted in a number of ways. One common interpretation is that the dream symbolizes good luck. In many cultures, birds are seen as lucky omens, and so dreaming about bird poop could be a sign that good fortune is on its way.

Another interpretation is that the dream is a warning about someone or something dirtying your reputation. If you have recently been involved in some type of drama or conflict, this could be a sign that your name is being dragged through the mud.

Lastly, the dream could also be a simple reflection of your anxiety about an upcoming event or situation. If you are feeling nervous or stressed about something in your waking life, this could manifest itself as a dream about bird poop. Whatever the case may be, dreams about bird poop are usually benign and not cause for alarm.

Dream Of Dog Poop

Dreams about dog poop can be interpreted in a few ways. If you dream that you are stepping in dog poop, it may represent something in your life that is dirty or unpleasant.

Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you are “stepping in it” – making a mistake or getting yourself into a messy situation. If you dream of cleaning up dog poop, it may symbolize taking care of a problem or dealing with something that is unpleasant.

The dream may also be suggestive of your “dirty” habits or aspects of yourself that you find disgusting. But the dream may also be prompting you to take action and clean up a situation in your life. Whatever the case, dreams about dog poop are often interpreted as messages from your subconscious mind.

Dream Of Snake Poop

What does it mean when you dream of snake poop? While the interpretation of dreams is a highly personal endeavor, there are some common themes that often emerge.

Generally speaking, dreams involving feces or other bodily fluids are symbolic of cleansing and release. In the case of snake poop, this may signify letting go of something that is no longer serving you.

This may also represent feelings of shame or disgust that you are trying to process. If the snake itself was appearing in the dream, its behavior may provide additional clues about the meaning of the dream. For example, if the snake was aggressive or threatening, this could indicate feelings of fear or insecurity.

On the other hand, if the snake was peacefully coiled around you, this could be a sign of protection and nurturance. Ultimately, only you can determine what your dream meant for you. However, reflecting on the emotions and symbols present in the dream can be a helpful starting point.

Dream Of Cat Poop

Dreams about cat poop can be interpreted in a few ways. One common interpretation is that the dream symbolizes some kind of dirt or filth that you need to get rid of in your life. This could represent anything from literal physical trash to negative emotions or habits that you need to let go of.

The dream may also be a sign that someone close to you is in need of help or support. You may need to be more attentive to this person in order to help them through a difficult time.

Finally, dreaming of cat poop could also be a way for your subconscious to express anxiety or stress about a particular situation in their life. In this case, the dream may be interpreted as a warning for  to take action in order to avoid a negative outcome.


Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming Of Poop

Dream About Poop In Islam

In Islam, there is a lot of emphasis placed on cleanliness and hygiene. This includes both physical and spiritual cleanliness. Therefore, it’s not surprising that poop is considered to be unclean in Islam.

Dreams about poop can symbolize a number of different things, depending on the context of the dream. For example, if you are someone who is generally very clean and tidy, then dreaming about poop could symbolize feelings of being unclean or impure.

Conversely, it could represent some aspect of your life that you feel is dirty or tainted. If you are someone who generally has a relaxed attitude towards hygiene, then dreaming about poop could symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or burdened by all the “dirt” in your life.

Dream About Poop In Hinduism

In Hinduism, dreaming about poop can actually be a good sign. The act of defecating is seen as a way of getting rid of impurities, so dreaming about poop can symbolize the purification of the soul. This often happens after someone has been through a difficult experience and is ready to start fresh.

Dreams about poop can also represent new beginnings, fertility, and abundance. In some cases, it may even be a sign that you are about to receive good news. So if you have a dream about poop, don’t be alarmed—it just might be a positive omen.

Dream About Poop In Chinese Culture

In Chinese culture, dreaming about poop can be interpreted in a number of ways. For example, it might represent problems or difficulties that need to be dealt with. It could also suggest that you are feeling burdened by someone or something.

In some cases, the dream may indicate that the person is experiencing financial difficulty or is going through a difficult period in their life. Whatever the interpretation, dreams about poop are generally considered to be negative and should be avoided if possible.

Biblical Meaning Of Feces In A Dream

In the Bible, feces is often seen as a symbol of sin and pollution. In the book of Ezekiel, for example, the Israelites are shown defiling themselves and their land by making offerings of feces to false idols.

In the book of Revelation, the great city of Babylon is described as being full of filth and decay, with its inhabitants wallowing in their own excrement. This image is used to illustrate the ultimate degradation and spiritual pollution that will come upon those who reject God’s truth.

So, in the Bible, feces generally represents that which is unclean and spiritually damaging. If you dream of feces, it may be a warning from God to stay away from something or someone that is spiritually harmful. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need to confess and repent of your sins in order to be cleansed and made right with God.


Tips In Handling Dreams About Poop

If you have a dream about poop, don’t panic. It’s important to remember that dreams are often symbolic and not to be taken literally.

Try to think about what the dream might represent in your life. What is causing you feelings of stress or anxiety? Are there any areas of your life that need to be cleaned up or dealt with?

If you have a dream about poop, it’s important to take some time to reflect on what it might mean. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone else about your dream—getting another perspective can often be helpful. And if you’re still feeling unsettled after reflecting on your dream, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you explore the dream further.



In conclusion, dreams about poop can have many different meanings depending on the context of the dream. However, they often indicate a need for you to let go of negative emotions or aspects of your life.

These dreams can be uncomfortable, but they can also be a sign that you are making progress in your personal growth. If you have a dream about poop, try to reflect on what may be causing you stress or anxiety in your waking life.

These dreams can be unsettling, but they can also be a valuable tool for self-reflection and growth. With some self-awareness, you can use these dreams to help you make positive changes in your life.

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